Saturday, January 1, 2011

Love Lost


It was after 36 hours that I regained consciousness. The administered drugs had still their effect and caused drowsiness.

As shared by Dinow during one of the late evening booze session….

I met her during college days. The moment I saw her it seemed as if the rush of wind had shaken out all my concealed feelings. Her smile made my heart race and caught and swirled my thoughts. It took quite some time to express my precious and exclusive feelings to her and it took even more time for her to reciprocate her feelings.
We walked the deserted streets during rain with our fingers locked tight together and it was then I realized why I live. She held my heart in her hand and she will be my whole life span.

Dinow never mentioned her name but his love for her was still intact and now concealed somewhere deep inside.

In Indian society girl qualifies for marriage during college days while a boy is still in the midst of building up his career. The same happened with Dinow and her marriage got fixed up with some government service holder. She came running to Dinow the next morning and it was heart rending news for him. They had never expected their budding romance to get in such rough state. It was testing time for Dinow, does he have to rebel at home, elope with her? What would be the repercussions, their family reputation would be soiled, and will his parents or hers be able to bear such windfall?

Dinow was stuck in the whirl of his thoughts and her wedding date started approaching fast. Finally, the dreadful occasion arrived. A few hours before the marriage party was to arrive at her door she called him over phone.

She: “Come let us run away from here, no other way”, Dinow felt his throat choke due to suppressed emotion and not knowing what to do “How are our parents going to bear such feat of ours”. She- “But what about us, don’t we have the right to choose our life partner”. Dinow kept mum, and could feel his body shaking. “How am going to support and …” he thought. After a brief silence, she murmured “I will always be your” and disconnected.

A man is not supposed to cry, his eyes red and heart burning, he watched from the window the bursting of crackers and music of band playing a hit marriage number” Aaj mere yaar ki saadi hain…”.The marriage party had arrived. Hours passed not realizing that incessant tears rolled down his cheeks.

In the early morning hours he wiped his tears, packed his bags and headed for the railway station. He could see the bride’s bidai preparation going on. Dinow took the first train to New Delhi…

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