Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wordless Love


The evening was pleasant, few bands of no rain bearing clouds floated in the sky. Birds were returning to their nest and the peepal tree near the hostel gate was bustling with their chirping. Sandeep strolled out of the hostel and headed towards the western exit gate of the campus. Evenings were seldom spend by anyone in the hostel, if it was not exam time. Library, Canteen, Ramdhari's tea stall, Tony's dabha or Movie theater were preferred destinations and the western exit gate led one to none of these interesting places. Sandeep walked leisurely, engrossed in himself and hummed some gazal to conceal his disquietude mind. Back in the hostel Dipanjan had insisted on coming with him but he had firmly declined his company on some pretext. He wanted to be alone, all by himself.
The antiquated gate bore conspicuous blots on its wall and unlike the main gate, was poorly maintained. A small gate beside the main gate was used as thoroughfare and the big gate was always kept locked. The security guard on duty was seated inside the post attached to the gate. His face beamed on seeing Sandeep, he stood up as a gesture of respect to him.
'Kaisa hain Joginder' asked Sandeep in his faltering Hindi with a faint smile. Sandeep had an uncanny habit of interacting with people whom most considered under privileged. Sandeep engaged in detailed conversation with Rickshaw pullers, sweepers, security staffs and others either out of genuine feeling towards mankind or out of sheer pleasure, was however not known but he commanded boundless respect from them. Joginder was grey haired stout retired Army jawan in his early 50s.Long working hours and grey stubbles on his face made him look weary. 'Very fine saar. How are you, going for a walk? Seeing you after a long time, hope all is well. Was there some exam these days saar' answered Joginder and in return flooded him with questions with no intention of seeking answers. Sandeep had often interacted with Joginder during his such solitary walks and was aware of his many problems.'What is the progress of your daughter's marriage' asked Sandeep recalling the subject from his previous interaction. Joginder frowned and gestured Sandeep to sit inside the post.
'Saar they are asking for a Maruti car along with cash and jewellery....' continued Joginder nonchalantly. Sandeep was hearing his predicaments,not listening. Dr.Pravin Phanse, Marketing faculty had recently covered in great detail the difference between Listening and Hearing which Sandeep recalled with a mild smile.
'Are my problems so trifle that I'm subjecting myself to this man's problems, is there no peace, whom do I share my problems with, even talking to myself seems to be a challenge' thought Sandeep ruefully.
Amidst his tale of despair,Joginder pulled out a tiny pocket box 'Chunati' from his pocked, the box had lid on both ends. He pushed open one lid and extracted some chewing tobacco 'Khaini' and placed it on his left hand palm, then extracted some edible lime 'Chuna' from inside the other side of the box. He smeared the edible lime with tobacco and rubbed it with his right thumb. He then slapped the left palm contents with his right palm as if applauding, then blew away the dust. He than offered the blend to Sandeep, who culled a pinch of the processed tobacco and placed it artfully behind his lower lip. All these happened mechanically.
A look of tenderness and sadness appeared on Sandeep's face. Joginder assumed it as the effect of his tale of woe but the reasons were altogether different. Sandeep soon took leave of Joginder and proceeded forlornly towards his unknown destination. Next to the gate was a National Highway and next to it a lake with bountiful greenery around it. The lake was used overtly by the residents of nearby slums and the street urchins practiced interminable diving contests in it often leading to violent conflicts. Walking around the lake always provided serenity to Sandeep but today there was no respite to his unquiet mind. He wanted to dispel her memories today which until recently he had only aspired to attract. The memories of his wordless love became vivid much to his chagrin.

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